Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Official historians of India are a funny lot. Read the following statement:
In theory, if Internet and information technology are not controlled by the state then those with access to them will claim to be free of the fear of becoming closed minds.
Internet should be controlled by the state. Sounds like communist China??
You are not farther off the mark. Communist part is alright. The location is India. The gem comes from 'numero uno' of Marxist hisotrians, Romila Thapar.
Internet is the worst nightmare of all control freaks. That would mean Islamists, Missionaries and Commies. All the three hang out together at NCERT. Although they are arch enemies outside the borders of India but within they have joined hands to fight their common enemy - सनातन धर्म।
Those folks who have bought the bogey of 'All religions are same' or the foolish notion of 'सर्व धर्म सम भाव' are at a loss to understand the cause of hatred towards सनातन धर्म by the votaries of above mentioned three creeds. The reason is simple: The सनातन ideology is about freedom and meritocracy. It says if you are brainy then be a ब्राह्मण, if you are brawny then be a क्षत्रिय, If you have a penchant for worldly affairs be a वैश्य and if you want instructions from superiors then be a शूद्र । Every one has his own धर्म, called स्वधर्म। There is a wide corpus of literature to choose from and follow. Or even not to follow. No one will come to cut your throat.
On the other hand the three predatory creeds have the strange idea of one book which is to be revered. It is the basis of all actions of life. Those who do not follow this one book word for word are labeled as 'Infidels', 'Kaafirs' or 'Capitalists'. They have to be either converted or killed. The dictum is 'You are with us or you are with them'. Period.

That is why they are scared of सनातन धर्म। This sense of insecurity is not unfounded. These three creeds have thrived with the backing of violence and bloodshed, therefore they are giants with feet of clay. What happens to such giants can be seen in erstwhile Soviet Russia. They are bound to fall flat on their noses. It is just a matter of time. They resort to all kind of tactics. They fall to the level of brainwashing school going kids. Children who go to school with the thought that the persons appointed to teach them about the truth are being fooled by the fraudsters sitting at NCERT. 

 Read the adjoining extract carefully. They are supposedly teaching the Islamic concept of Zimmi to the school going children who do not suspect the authors of the book.
Jews and Christians lived under Muslim rulership. They paid a tax called Jizya and gained the right to be protected by Muslims. In Inda this status was extended to Hindus as well.
Look at the choice of words!!? The worst crook will blush at the blatant manner of these 'scholars'. 
status was extended to Hindus.
It seems as if it was some kind of a gift being handed over to Hindus. Like an olive branch. And Hindus should be grateful to the Muslims. Let us get a reality check.

The fact is that Muslim dacoits tried to kill all the Hindu men and take their women as sex slaves. But the Hindus with steel spine kept up the fight and resistance. Then the dacoits decided to let some of them live a life of abject surrender and poverty. One example will suffice.
When Allauddin Khilji was the chief Dacoit (Sultan is just a glorified word for these dacoits) in New Delhi, he sent for a Qazi named Mughisuddeen to find out how Hindus should be treated as per Islamic doctrine. When the Qazi came (The discussion, highlighted in blue has been taken from 'History of India as told by its own historian' Vol. 3 by Elliot and Dowson as translated from 'Tarikh e Firoz Shahi' pp 184-185)

The Sultan then asked, " How are Hindus designated in the law, as payers of tribute (Kharaj - guza) or givers of tribute {kharaj-dih) ?" The Kazi replied, "They are called payers of tribute, and when the revenue officer demands silver from them, they should, without question and with all humility and respect, tender gold. If the officer throws dirt into their mouths, they must without reluctance open their mouths wide to receive it. By doing so they show their respect for the officer. The due subordination of the zimmi (tribute-payer) is exhibited in this humble payment and by this throwing of dirt into their mouths. The glorification of Islam is a duty, and contempt of the Religion is vain. Allah holds them in contempt, for he says, 'Keep them under in subjection.' To keep the Hindus in abasement is especially a religious duty, because they are the most inveterate enemies of the Prophet, and because the Prophet has commanded us to slay them, plunder them, and make them captive, saying, ' Convert them to Islam or kill them, enslave them and spoil their wealth and property.' No doctor but the great doctor (Hanifa), to whose school we belong, has assented to the imposition of the jizya (poll tax) on Hindus. Doctors of other schools allow no other alternative but 'Death or Islam.'" 
Can there be anything more crooked then this?!!

Throw dirt into the mouth of Hindu and Hindu must submissively open his mouth?!! This is what NCERT says as 'status was extended to them'.
These were the oppressive conditions which सनातन धर्म has survived. The present day Muslims in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are the off springs of such inhuman conditions which were levied on their forefathers. They have a right to know the circumstances which led to their conversions.
Let us get back to the discussion between Khilji and Qazi.
The Sultan smiled at this answer of the Kazi's, and said, "I do not understand any of the statements thou hast made ; Now you tell me that it is all in accordance with law that the Hindus should be reduced to the most abject obedience." Then the Sultan said, " Oh, doctor, thou art a learned man, but thou hast had no experience ; I am an unlettered man, but I have seen a great deal ; be assured then that the Hindus will never become submissive and obedient till they are reduced to poverty. I have, therefore, given orders that just sufficient shall be left to them from year to year, of corn, milk, and curds, but that they shall not be allowed to accumulate hoards and property."
It is these Hindus who would have felt the crushing weight of oppressive measures. Some of them would have accepted the Islamic creed for the well being of their family. The day this realization will sink into the Muslims (at least the intelligent ones), the shop if Mullahs will be shut down and the brazen liars like Zakir Naik will have to find a different job. 

Till then we have to keep putting forward the truth. It will prevail.

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