Monday, December 31, 2012


One of the favorite sticks with which सनातन धर्म is attacked is Sati Pratha. The moment any Hindu talks about the elevated position given to women in सनातन धर्म, the opponents say that सति प्रथा  is the biggest blot on women and Sanatan Dharm is responsible for this heinous crime against women. NCERT has taken it to an all new level. The result is that Hindus become apologetic and run for cover. 
The word प्रथा indicates a tradition. The vast corpus of Hindu literature has stray references of Sati but most of the women used to live normally. The example of Kunti and Madri is the best one for this. Madri chose to die with her husband and Kunti decided to live. The mothers of मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम राम namely कौशल्या, सुमित्रा & कैकयी did not commit suicide at the death of their husband. The highest authority of सनातन धर्म, i.e. the Vedic literature does not talk of Sati. Rather it talks of widow remarriage and also नियोग, in which a woman and her family chose a respectable man to father the children of childless widow. That is how धृतराष्ट्र & पांडू were born to the widows of the son of Satyavati in Mahabharat.  

Unlike the predatory religions which consider one book to be sufficient for all the aspects of human life, सनातन धर्म keeps on evolving. That is what gave rise to सती प्रथा & जौहर प्रथा। When barbaric invaders started violating our holy land, Hindu women had three choices at the death of their husbands: 
  1. They could live to be captured and raped by the killers of their husbands and other relatives
  2. They could live and be sold into slave markets created in the Islamic world
  3. They could chose death
Not surprisingly, majority of them chose the third option. For nearly thousand years, starting with 715 AD (when Muhammad bin Qasim gained first victory on our motherland), Hindus, especially women, lived a horrid life. For details of Slavery as an Islamic institution, read the origins of Muslim slave system in India by K.S.Lal.

Any honest and patriotic historian will tell these facts to the students of the nation when talking about Sati. The operative words are - honest and patriotic.

The adjoining text is on page 135 of History textbook of class 12. 

From many instances of Sati witnessed by 'Fancois Bernier', this one has been specially hand picked. It has been taken up for two reasons. It creates an impression that Hindu religion is bad and portrays Brahmans in poor light. So this insertion serves two purposes of missionaries at the same time.

The other references of Sati, as mentioned by Bernier, talk of Hindu widows participating in the act willingly. They have not been mentioned by NCERT because that will give the reader a hint as to the conditions of such extra ordinary measures. There are numerous instances when Hindu women immolated themselves so that they do not fall into the wretched hands of Muslim gangsters. The earliest reference can be found out when Muhammad bin Qasim was on verge of gaining the first victory for Islam on our holy land. The immortal words of Raja Jaisingh's wife tell the whole story:
Jaisiya is separated from us and Mohammad Kasim has come. God forbid that we should owe our liberty to these outcast cow eaters (म्लेच्छ गोमांस भक्षक)! Our honor would be lost. Our respite is at end, and there is no hope of any escape.; let us collect wood, cotton and oil, for I think we should burn ourselves and go to meet our husbands. If any wish to save herself, she may.
History of India as told by its own historians, Vol. 1 pp 152

In one of such incidents, Bernier was himself asked to talk to a widow who wanted to end her life. What transpired there can be read from his memoirs. Read it yourself:

There is one more description of a Sati on pp 309:
I ran at once to the spot, and going to the edge of a large and nearly dry reservoir, observed at the bottom a deep pit filled with wood : the body of a dead man extended thereon; a woman seated upon the same pile; four or five Brahmens setting fire to it in every part ; five middle-aged women, tolerably well dressed, holding one another by the hand; singing and dancing round the p i t ; and a great number of spectators of both sexes. The pile, whereon large quantities of butter and oil had been thrown, was soon enveloped in flames, and I saw the fire catch t h e woman's garments, which were impregnated with scented oil, mixed with sandalwood powder and saffron; but I could not perceive the slightest indication of pain or even uneasiness in the victim,

Now let us pay a little attention to the character of the author named Francois Bernier. Try to imagine a history textbook in America explaining the views of Muhammad Atta about American society. The mere thought sounds laughable. That is what is being done by NCERT. If someone thinks the analogy is stretching it too far, then read about the bigotry of Francois Bernier in his own words. 
The Beths (Veds) render it obligatory upon every Gentile to say his prayers with his face turned to the East thrice in the twenty-four hours........Sometimes I objected to their religion that it contained a law which it would not be possible to observe in cold climates during the winter season, which was, in my mind, a clear proof that it possessed no divine original, but was merely a system of human invention. Their answer was amusing enough.
To an average reader, this question by Bernier may sound stupid or childish but then he was trapped in the prison house of Christian doctirnes as we will see. The Brahman replied in the typical accommodating nature of Hinduism.
'We pretend not,' they replied, ' that our law is of universal application. God intended it only for us, and this is the reason why we cannot receive a foreigner into our religion. We do not even say that yours is a false religion : it may be adapted to your wants and circumstances, God having, no doubt, appointed many different ways of going to heaven.' 
The answer is what any Hindu can give even today. It is what Bernier records next will give the reader an insight into Bernier's mind. He writes:
I found it impossible to convince them that the Christian faith was designed for the whole earth, and theirs was mere fable and gross fabrication.

Replace 'Christian faith' with Islam and that is what Muhammad Atta or Osama Bin Laden would have said about christianity.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

HINDU BECOMES डाकू & लुटेरे

In one of the earlier posts, it was seen that the brave Hindus, who were fighting the Islamic marauders have been termed as 'Chieftains' and सरदार by Congress led NCERT. If that is a shameful act, then think again. These brave men and women have been termed as डाकू & लुटेरे a little down the book.
NCERT HISTORY BOOK for 12 class. page - 120

Let us look at the actual words used by Ibn Batuta himself. 

तुग़लक कालीन भारत पृष्ठ 170
लेखक - सैयद अतहर अब्बास रिज़वी 

He is talking about the time when what is now called Pakistan (what a misnomer!) had not been torn apart from our motherland. It was inhabited by proud काफिर लोग। They have been divided into two distinct categories by the rapist Ibn Batuta. One were the brave hearts who kept on fighting the barbaric creed and the others were called ज़िम्मी

Notice the word ज़िम्मी. It refers to those who are not Muslims and they pay a हफ़्ता called जिज़िया  so that the Islamic goons do not kill them. Muhammad, the Godman of Islam, had coined this term and it was applied for the first time to the Jews of Khaibar. He picked up a beautiful girl of the tribe and inducted her into his Harem and let the others of his tribe live so that they would produce food for Muhammad and his friends. The Zimmis served a purpose for Islamic state. They were allowed to just survive and the state took their resources. Thus state lived like a parasite on the Zimmis. 

Like everything else, the concept of Zimmi and Jizya also comes from the Godman Muhammad. Whenever he had to legitimize something, it was said to be a divine message and therefore is a part of Quran. It was designed to humiliate the non Muslims, as can be seen from the verse of 'Holy' Quran itself:
अहले किताब में से जो लोग न तो (दिल से) ख़ुदा ही पर ईमान रखते हैं और न रोज़े आख़िरत पर और न ख़ुदा और उसके रसूल की हराम की हुई चीज़ों को हराम समझते हैं और न सच्चे दीन ही को एख्तियार करते हैं उन लोगों से लड़े जाओ यहाँ तक कि वह लोग ज़लील होकर (अपने) हाथ से जज़िया दे

All the present day Muslims in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh belong to the bloodline of these poor Hindus who must have had compulsions to tolerate the ज़लील conditions imposed on them by the foreigners. That is why the educated ones among them are trying to embrace their Hindu heritage by discarding the imposed creed on them. 

Had these 'highway robbers' not been there, we also would have been converted to a creed which has no respect for women, nature, humanity and above all meritocracy which is inherent in सनातन धर्म. We would have been brainwashed to feel proud of serial rapists and mass murderers.

The brave hearts with a 'never say die' approach should have been eulogized as the saviours of our nation and धर्म instead of being maligned as robbers or bandits. That will happen when the Hindu society will shed its present तामसिक स्थिति and stand up to intellectual atrocities being perpetrated upon them. 


What would a normal human think of a king who distributes helpless women, who have been captured during a war, to his accomplices?

A Monster??

But if we go by NCERT, such a rascal should be called a विद्वान।
page 118 of text book for 12 class

Look at the choice of words - दयाशील संरक्षक । These words have been used for dual purpose. They establish the Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq as दयाशील and the visitor Ibn Batuta as a विद्वान as the Sultan is impressed by his विद्वत्ता |

Both of these are men were just the opposite of this, as we will see.

Since most of the readers of these text books are Hindus (83%, claims of missionaries to the contrary notwithstanding), who think that a विद्वान is generally a साधू महात्मा or a ऋषि who believes in अहिंसा and वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम, it is the perfect word to fool them into believing that विद्वान of other creeds are also so harmless. Let us look at what this 'विद्वान' and his दयाशील patron did to our ancestors, about seven centuries ago.

Below is a part of page 290 from the book 'Tughlaq Kalin Bharat', translated by Syed Athar Abbas Rizvi. The title is 

घज़्व धर्म युद्ध हेतु हमारा प्रस्थान तथा संदापुर की विजय 

The word Ghazwah means a plundering expedition and its root word is Ghazi. A Ghazi is one who depends on his livelihood by brigandage. धर्म युद्ध means Jihad of Islam.  It has nothing to do with धर्म because Islam is not a धर्म but a religion. The विद्वान of Quran are supposed to be Jihadi and plunder infidels because that is what Muhammad (the Godman of Islam used to do).

Read अल्लाह instead of इश्वर for the right perspective 

What it tells us is that this विद्वान fought the काफिर Hindus and then was awarded a woman from the prisoners of war. The lecher did not return her to her husband even after pleading and being offered money. Try to visualize the agony of the poor lady who was raped by this monster. And he has been turned into a विद्वान by his like minded friends at NCERT. 

The विद्वान of Quran are supposed to be Jihadi and plunder infidels because that is what Muhammad (the Godman of Islam used to do). The verse 41 of chapter 8 says it clearly.

Some of you might think that the woman taken as slave by Ibn Batuta might have been taken for some harmless domestic chores like washing and ironing the clothes of this विद्वान. To understand the kind of activity such poor women had to perform, there is another entry in the diary of Ibn Batuta, the NCERT विद्वान |

The title is 'Death of my daughter and her funeral rites'.
He is telling us about the death of her infant daughter.  Nothing surprising here. 
The typical mentality gets reflected in the description that he gives us of the mother of his daughter.
Since he was on the payrolls of Sultan, the mother of Sultan sent a पालकी to his house. Now, read the extract below, from the next page:

That is the kind of persons who are considered विद्वान by NCERT under Italian Mafia.

And how does this विद्वान describe the दयाशील Sultan.

The english translation mentioned in 'History of India told by its own historians 2' by Elliot and Dowson says the same thing:
Muhammad is a man who, above all others, is fond of making presents and shedding blood. There may always be seen at his gate some poor person becoming rich, or some living one condemned to death. His generous and brave actions, and his cruel and violent deeds, have obtained notoriety among the people.

So much so for दयाशील Sultan.

The era when Ibn Batuta visited India, that was the most difficult time for Hindus. They were being killed in thousands by Islamic invaders and their women and children were being sold as slaves and sex slaves. The ease with which Ibn Batuta talks about Hindu women being sold dirt cheap can be sensed from his accounts. Here is one of them (pp 238)

If you are wondering about the reason of this perversion by NCERT, you have to understand three ideologies which have sprung up from Bible: Christianity, Islam and Communism. And read some good book on applied psychology. 

And you have to know that NCERT has been in the grip of persons belonging to these persuasions.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The longest and bloodiest struggle in the history of mankind has been fought by Hindus. It has lasted for more then 1000 years and we are not done yet. When barbarians from middle east armed with the most barbaric ideology invaded our holy land, We fought tooth and nail. Had our ancestors been as weak as Persians or Turks, we would have been converted to Islam and would have been praising the act of hiding women under hideous body bags. For this audacity, our ancestors faced worst of the times. The marauders termed these brave freedom fighters as Brigands, Robbers and Pests. For them these brave men and women were काफिर। In those days they did not have to hide behind duplicity because they had the sword in their hand and were unashamed to use it. 
When Christians came, they were more cunning. They created an illusion that then  state and religion are two different aspects. They termed the activities of freedom fighters as 'illegal acts' and these brave men were called 'criminals'. 
Now both of them, fighting each other all over the globe, have joined hands to decimate the oldest civilization. Between them, they have already wiped out Persian, Greek, Roman, Mayan, Inca, Chinese, Aboriginal Australian and scores of other ancient civilizations. We are the only one left. 
To wipe us out, they are using education and media. The war has moved to what can be called 'Information battle space'. The weapons are words. They are carefully chosen for a balancing act. It has to be ensured that the Hindus do not become aware of their strength and the atrocities which were perpetrated on them for more then a millennium and at the same time the ugly face of the barbaric ideologies has to be hidden. 

Above is page 39 of history book from NCERT, meant for students of class 7. Notice the word Chieftain. 
Below is the one from Hindi medium book, page 40.

Ibn Batuta had come to our country when Islamic marauders were coming in droves. They were killing Hindu men as prescribed in Quran 9:5, 8:12, 8:39, 47:4 and taking their women as sex slaves (Quran permits non muslim women to be used as slaves and concubines 4:3) or to be sold in slave markets of the Islamic world. 

Thoroughly outnumbered, one of the strategies of Hindus was to run into deep forests to avoid being enslaved or butchered. It is these brave people who are today branded as SC/ST to point an accusing finger on the 'oppressive caste system' of Hinduism. In his book, 'Muslim slave system in Medieval India', one of the brave and honest historians K.S.Lal tells us the truth:
Ibn Battuta describes this scenario. “The Muslims dominate the infidels,” writes he, “but the later fortify themselves in mountains, in rocky, uneven and rugged places as well as in bamboo groves... (link)
The Hindi translation done by Syed Athar Abbas Rizvi of the work of Ibn batuta in his 'तुग़लक कालीन भारत', he tells us (pp 238):
हिन्दुस्तान में काफिर समस्त देश में मुसलामानों के साथ मिले जुले रहते हैं और मुसलमान उन पर विजयी रहते हैं। बहुत से काफिर दुर्गम पर्वतों, ऊबड़ खाबड़ स्थानों तथा बांस के घने जंगलों में अपनी रक्षा हेतु निवास करते हैं। यहाँ के बांस खोखले नहीं होते और बहुत लंम्बे हो जाते हैं। इनकी डालियाँ इस प्रकार एक दुसरे से उलझी रहती हैं कि इन पर अग्नि का भी प्रभाव नहीं होता और वे बड़े ही दृढ होते हैं। काफिर इन्हीं जंगलों में निवास करते हैं और यह जंगल उनके लिए मानों दीवार बन जाते हैं। इसी में इनके पशु तथा खेत होते हैं। वे वर्षा का जल एकत्र कर लेते हैं। इस प्रकार वे एक बड़ी सेना के बिना पराजित नहीं होते। सेनाएँ जंगल में घुस कर बांसों को उन यंत्रों से काट डालती हैं जो इसी कार्य के लिय बनाए जाते हैं।
By a twist of words, the jokers at NCERT have reduced the bravery of our ancestors into obscurity and ignominy. It is to such brave people that we owe the freedom to live as a Hindu. They lived in the wilds but did not let themselves be converted into an alien creed.

One of the fundamental rights should include 'Right to true history' because it serves as a collective reservoir of knowledge of dangers lurking around for a society. After all, that is how we train our children to stay away from a snake or a scorpion. The longevity of a society or culture depends on it.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


The very idea that the bunch of jokers sitting in the History department consider themselves Historians is amusing and irritating at the same time. But they have gone to an extent for themselves which can be called ludicrous in civilized language (the word ludicrous will become very colorful in chaste Punjabi and will be more closer to the truth.

Page 6 of NCERT text book for class 6

What would we call someone who is trying to fill hatred into the minds of innocent students who think that the Government chosen by them will teach them facts.

Detectives ??? 

Charltans might be a better idea.

Take a look at the page 61 of the book for class 12.

Note the word 'SUPPOSEDLY' inserted in text book. This word is generally used by a third grade reporter of a fourth grade newspaper to cover up his lack of honest reporting.

Imagine the 'scholars' recruited by present regime using the word 'supposedly' in a history text book which should be based on facts.  These missionaries are out to malign worlds only surviving humanistic and natural society and they know that this trick that they have perfected over centuries will not be caught by teenagers. Notice the words धर्मशास्त्र and धर्मसूत्र thoughtfully inserted. Let us look at the most maligned and the favorite whipping boy of all anti national forces.  मनुस्मृति 
अध्यापनमध्ययनम यजनं याजनं तथा।
दानं प्रतिग्रहं चैव ब्राह्मणानामकल्पयत ।। 
अध्याय 1/श्लोक 51, पृष्ठ  79, आर्ष साहित्य प्रचार ट्रस्ट 

ब्राह्मणों के लिए पढ़ना पढ़ाना, यज्ञ करना कराना और दान लेना देना; ये छः कर्म हैं ।

No reference of it being a hereditary profession. Just description of leading a pious life. 

Now let us see what the great sage had to say about the rigidness of this 'birth based rigid' वर्ण व्यवस्था :
शूद्रो ब्राह्मणतामेति ब्राह्मणश्चैति शूद्रताम।
क्षत्रियाज्जा तमेवं तु विद्याद्वैश्यात्तथैव च।।
अध्याय 10/श्लोक 14, पृष्ठ  857, आर्ष साहित्य प्रचार ट्रस्ट 

श्रेष्ठ अश्रेष्ठ कर्मों के अनुसार शूद्र ब्राह्मण और ब्राह्मण शूद्र हो जाता है। वैसा ही वैश्य और क्षत्रीय के विषय में भी जानों। 

That is how diligent our 'detectives' are. 

Now one more of their tricks.

 दान should be translated as Charity but that will make the ब्राह्मण look good which our Marxist detectives can not digest. So, translate it as 'gift'. 

They learnt it from the master of hatred and propaganda, the brain behind Nazis, Goebbles :

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle."

Friday, December 14, 2012


The impression created by NCERT History text book for class 12 is that women were not given a free choice for their marriage. To peddle this lie, Manusmriti has been not only twisted but also quoted selectively. Read page 58 of book titled 'Themes in Indian History'.

Although the whole page is mischievous, just focus on the text in the box. And pay special attention to the questions asked at the end. The sequence is designed to reinforce the impression that women were an oppressed lot in earlier times.

Here are two verses from the original work of महर्षि मनु:
त्रीणि वर्षाण्युदीक्षेत कुमार्युतुमती सती ।
उधर्वं तु कालादेतस्माद्विन्देत सदृशं पतिम॥ 
(श्लोक 35)

हिंदी अनुवाद - कन्या रज्स्वला हो जाने पर इस समय के पश्चात तीन वर्षों तक विवाह की प्रतीक्षा करे, तदनन्तर अपने योग्य पति का वरण करे।

अदीयमाना भर्तार मधिगच्छेदू  यदि स्वयं।
नैन: किंचिदवाप्नोति न च यं साधिगच्छति ।।
(श्लोक 35)

हिंदी अनुवाद - पिता आदि अभिभावक के द्वारा विवाह न करने पर जो कन्या यदि स्वयं पति का वरण कर ले तो वह कन्या किसी पाप की भागी नहीं होती और न उसे कोई पाप होता है जिस पति को यह वरण करती है ।

That should be sufficient to settle the issue of freedom granted to women, and rightly so, by the sages of सनातन धर्म, nowadays called Hindu religion or maligned as Hindutva.

Now, let us look at the second fraud being perpetrated on our nation. The translation of eight forms of marriage given by मनु महर्षि:

महर्षि मनु द्वारा वर्णित विवाह पद्दतियां इस प्रकार हैं 
चतुर्णामपि वर्णानां प्रेत्य चेह हिताहितान |
अश्ताविमान्स मासेन सत्रीविवाहान्निबोधत ||
चारों वर्णों के लिए हित तथा अहित करने वाले इन आठ प्रकार के स्त्रियों से होने वाले विवाहों को संक्षेप से जानो, सुनो

ब्राह्मो दैवस्तथैवार्ष: प्राजापत्यस्ताथासुर
गान्धर्वो राक्षसचैव पैशाचश्चाष्टमोअधम: 

ब्राह्म, दैव, आर्ष, प्राजापत्य, आसुर, गान्धर्व, राक्षस और पैशाच - ये आठ प्रकार के विवाह होते हैं

ब्राह्म अथवा स्वयंवर विवाह

आच्छाद्य चार्चयित्वा च श्रुतिशीलवते स्वयं
आहूय दानं कन्याया ब्राह्मो धर्म: प्रकीर्तित:
कन्या के योग्य सुशील, विद्वान पुरुष का सत्कार करके कन्या को वस्त्रादि से अलंकृत करके उत्तम पुरुष को बुला अर्थात जिसको कन्या ने प्रसन्न भी किया हो उसको कन्या देना - वह 'ब्राह्म' विवाह कहलाता है

दैव विवाह

यज्ञे तु  वितते सम्यगृत्विजे कर्म कुर्वते 
अलं कृत्य सुतादानं दैवं धर्मं प्रचक्षते 

विस्तृत यज्ञ में बड़े बड़े विद्वानों का वरण कर उसमे कर्म करने वाले विद्वान् को वस्त्र आभूषण आदि से कन्या को सुशोभित करके देना 'दैव विवाह' कहा जाता है

विशेष टिपण्णी - ऋत्विक  शब्द का अर्थ प्रसंग के अनुकूल किया जाता है और यहाँ प्रसंग के अनुसार विवाह के लिए आए सभी विद्वानों से है न कि  केवल ब्राह्मणों के लिए

आर्ष विवाह

एकं गोमिथुनं द्वे वा वरादादाय धर्मत:
कन्या प्रदानं विधिवदार्षो धर्म: स उच्यते

जो वर से धर्मानुसार एक गाय बैल का जोड़ा अथवा दो जोड़े लेकर विधि अनुसार कन्या का दान करना है वह आर्ष विवाह कहा जाता है

प्राजापत्य विवाह

सहोभौ चरतां धर्ममिति वाचानुभाष्य च
कन्याप्रदानमभ्यचर्य प्राजापत्यो विधि: स्मृत:

कन्या और वर को, यज्ञशाला में विधि करके सब के सामने 'तुम दोनों मिलके गृहाश्रम के कर्मों को यथावत करो', ऐसा कहकर दोनों की प्रसन्नता पूर्वक पाणिग्रहण होना - वह प्राजापत्य विवाह कहाता है

आसुर विवाह 

ज्ञातिभ्यो द्रविणं दत्त्वा कन्यायै चैव शक्तितः।
कन्याप्रदानं स्वाच्छन्द्यासुरो धर्म उच्यते ।।

वर की जाति वालों और कन्या को यथाशक्ति धन दे कर अपनी इच्छा से अर्थात वर अथवा कन्या की प्रसन्नता और इच्छा की उपेक्षा कर ,के होम आदि विधि कर कन्या देना 'आसुर विवाह' कहलाता है ।

गान्धर्व विवाह 
इच्छयाअन्योन्यसन्योग: कन्यायाश्च यरस्य च।
गान्धर्व: स तू विज्ञेयी मैथुन्य: कामसंभव: ।।
वर और कन्या की इच्छा से दोनों का संयोग होना और अपने मन में यह मान लेना कि हम दोनों स्त्री पुरुष हैं, ऐसा काम से उत्पन्न विवाह 'गान्धर्व विवाह कहलाता है।

राक्षस विवाह 
हत्वा छित्त्वा च भित्त्वा च क्रोशन्तीं रुदतीं गृहात।
प्रसह्य कन्याहरणं राक्षसो विधिरुच्यते।।
हनन छेदन अर्थात कन्या के रोकने वालों का विदारण कर के, रोती, कांपती और भयभीत कन्या का घर से बलात अपहरण करके विवाह करना राक्षस विवाह कहा जाता है।

पिशाच विवाह 
सुप्तां मत्तां प्रमत्तां वा रहो यत्रोपगच्छति ।
स पापिष्ठो विवाहानां पैशाचश्चाष्टमोअधम: ।।
जो सोती, पागल हुई अथवा नशे में उन्मत्त हुई कन्या को एकांत पाकर दूषित कर देना है, यह सब विवाहों में नीच से नीच विवाह 'पिशाच विवाह' कहा जाता है।

प्रथम चार विवाह उत्तम हैं 

ब्राह्मादिषु विवाहेषु च्तुष् र्वेवानुपूर्वशः।
ब्रह्मवर्चस्विनः पुत्रा जायन्ते शिष्टसंमता ॥
ब्रह्म, दैव, आर्ष तथा प्राजापत्य ; इन चार विवाहों में पाणिग्रहण किए हुए स्त्री पुरुषों से जो सन्तान उत्पन्न होती है वह वेदादि विद्या से तेजस्वी, आप्त पुरुषों के संगति से अत्युत्त्म होती है।

रूपसत्तवोवुणोपेता धनवन्तो यशस्विनः।
पर्याप्तभोगा धर्मिष्ठा जीवन्ति च शतं समाः॥
वे सन्तानें सुन्दर रूप, बल - पराक्रम, शुद्ध बुद्धि आदि उत्तम गुणों से युक्त, बहुधन युक्त, कीर्तिमान और पूर्ण भोग के भोक्ता धर्मात्मा हो कर सौ वर्ष तक जीते हैं।

अन्य चार विवाह अधम अथवा निंदनीय हैं 
इतरेषु तु शिष्टेषु नृशंसानृतवादिनः।
जायन्ते दुर्विवाहेषु ब्रह्मधर्मद्विषः सुताः॥
उपरोक्त चार विवाहों से इतर जो अन्य चार - आसुर, गान्धर्व, राक्षस और पैशाच विवाह हैं, इन चार दुष्ट विवाहों से उत्पन्न हुए सन्तान निन्दित कर्मकर्ता, मिथ्यावादी, वेद धर्म के द्वेषी अत्यन्त नीच स्वभाववाले होते हैं ।

Analyse it for yourself.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

'Disapproval' of Caste system by Al Beruni

One of the principles of propaganda is to let someone else speak what the propagandist wants, especially if it is unpalatable.

Welcome to page no. 120 of NCERT book of History for class 12. The book is titled 'Themes in Indian History'.  The paragraph is titled 'Al - Biruni's description of the caste system'.

taken from website of NCERT
Whether Al Beruni was as big a despot as most of the Islamic theologians or he had to show his preference for Islam to survive the terrorists (remember Taslima Nasreen) of the creed, we will never know. But what we can do is check out what he said about 'Caste' system.

Here is an extract from his book
All other men except the Chandala (चाण्डाल ), as far as they are not Hindus, are called mleccha (म्लेच्छ ), i.e. unclean, all those who kill men and slaughter animals and eat the flesh of cows.
Nothing surprising here as the aversion of सनातनी हिन्दू धर्म to flesh eating in general and murder of गोमाता  in particular is well known.

It is the very next paragraph of Al-Beruni that exposes the forked tongue of आस्तीन के साँप  (love this expression) at NCERT. Here it is:
All these things originate in the difference of the classes or castes, one set 0f people treating the others as fools. This apart, all men are equal to each other, as Vasudeva says regarding him who seeks salvation: 

 "In the judgment of the intelligent man, the Brahman and the Candala are equal, the friend and the foe, the faithful and the deceitful, nay, even the serpent and the weasel. If to the eyes of intelligence all thingsare equal, to ignorance they appear as separated and different."
Al - Beruni continues:
Vasudeva speaks to Arjuna : " If the civilisation of the world is that which is intended, and if the direction of it cannot proceed without our fighting for the purpose of suppressing evil, it is the duty of us who are the intelligent to act and to fight, not in order to bring to an end that which is deficient within us, but because it is necessary for the purpose of healing what is ill and banishing destructive elements. Then the ignorant imitate us in acting, as the children imitate their elders, without their knowing the real aim and purport of actions. For their nature has an aversion to intellectual methods, and they use force only in order to act in accordance with the influences of lust and passion on their senses. In all this, the intelligent and educated man is directly the contrary of them."
Page 138 of 'Al Beruni's India', Volume 2 by Dr. Edward C. Sachau, published by Trubner & company limited

The message of भगवद गीता given by वासुदेव कृष्ण is definitely not meant for those who are on the payrolls of Italian mafia.

Monday, December 3, 2012


The page no. 120 of NCERT for class 8, titled OUR PASTS - III (Part 2) is titled 

Organising for reform.

The sixth paragraph is titled The Aligarh Movement

It states that (NCERT link) :

The Mohammedan Anglo - Oriental College, founded by Sayyid Ahmed Khan in 1875 at Aligarh, later became the Aligarh Muslim University. The institution offered modern education, including Western science, to Muslims. The Aligarh Movement, as it is known, had an enormous impact in the area of educational reform.

Alongside, a picture of Sayyid Ahmed Khan has been shown. On the same page a picture of Swami Vivekanand has also been show. The typical balancing act. Placing a monster with a monk will be sufficient to fool 12 year old children into thinking that Sayyid Ahmed Khan was some great human being.

The contrast between Swami Vivekanand and Sayyid Ahmed Khan could not have been more. One opposed Britishers and Christianity tooth and nail where as Ahmed Khan was not only the pet poodle of Britishers but also wanted Christianity to stay in our motherland to defeat Hinduism.

Let us take a closer look.

Just after the 1857 uprising, this 'reformer' had written a book, the title of which will give the readers an idea of his mindset. It is called 'The loyal Mohammedans of India'. If you are wondering as to the subject of loyality of Mohammedans of India, as mentioned by Sayyid Khan, then here is an extract from one of his letters

extract from 'The life and work of Syed Ahmed Khan'
by G.F.I. Graham

He was a lick spittle of Britishers, from the beginning to the end.

During the unrest of 1857, when some freedom fighters were trying to liberate our motherland from the clutches of Britishers, This NCERT reformer was playing his part to perfection. So faithful was he to the Britishers that he was given suitable rewards. 

Take a look.

That is how NCERT is subverting the thought process of the nation.


Generally the text books of a nation are used to instill a feeling of love, affection and pride for the nation and its heritage. Our country is an exception since 1947, the event which is naively called freedom.

The trend of NCERT text books has been deliberately filled with lies and half lies which will make even Goebbles feel amateurish. One such topic is on the page no. 60 of the history book for class 12.

The aim of this page is to give an idea that the early (read Vedic/Arya/Sanatan/Hindu) भारत  was a society which did not respect mothers. To prove this point, they have used the example of Duryodhan who defies the command of his mother and goes to battle with Pandavs. To give finishing touches to this trick, a question is asked immediately - 'Does this passage give you an idea about the way in which mothers were viewed in early Indian societies?'.

If you find it laughable, then you are right at one level.

But the trick is really sinister in its design when you think of the impact it can have on young and impressionable minds. That is what NCERT wants to do to our society.

I have mentioned six shloks from the same epic which might have missed the jaundiced eyes of the 'eminent historians' sitting in Delhi.

आदि पर्व के आस्तीकपर्व का श्लोक 17 (पृष्ठ 188, महाभारत, खण्ड 1, गीता प्रेस गोरखपुर)

एवमुक्तस्तथेत्युक्त्वा  सास्तीको मातरं तदा ।

हिंदी - माँ ! तुम्हारी जैसी आज्ञा है वैसा ही करूँगा।

आदि पर्व के संभवपर्व का श्लोक 28 (पृष्ठ 378, महाभारत, खण्ड 1, गीता प्रेस गोरखपुर)

भवत्या यदभिप्रेतम तदहं कर्तुमागत:।
शाधि मां धर्मतत्त्वज्ञे करवाणि प्रियं तव ।।

हिंदी - धर्म के तत्त्व को जानने वाली माँ ! आपकी जो हार्दिक इच्छा हो, उसके अनुसार कार्य करने के लिए मैं यहाँ आया हूँ । आज्ञा दीजिये मैं आपकी कौन सी प्रिय सेवा करूँ ।

आदि पर्व के संभवपर्व का श्लोक 31 (पृष्ठ 378, महाभारत, खण्ड 1, गीता प्रेस गोरखपुर)

मातापित्रो: प्रजायन्ते पुत्रा: साधारणा: कवे।
तेषां पिता यथा स्वामी तथा माता न संशय: ।।

हिंदी - माता और पिता, दोनों से पुत्रों का जन्म होता है, अत: उनपर दोनों का समान अधिकार है। जिस प्रकार पिता पुत्रों का स्वामी है, उसी प्रकार माता भी है।

आदि पर्व के संभवपर्व का श्लोक 16 (पृष्ठ 649, महाभारत, खण्ड 1, गीता प्रेस गोरखपुर)

गुरोर्हि वचनं प्राहुर्धमर्यं धर्मज्ञसत्तम ।
गुरुणां चैव सर्वेषां माता परमको गुरु:।।

हिंदी - धर्मज्ञों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ व्यास जी! गुरुजनों की आज्ञा को धर्मसंगत बताया गया है और समस्त गुरुओं में माता परम गुरु मानी गयी है।

वन पर्व के मार्कंडेयसमास्या पर्व का श्लोक 3 - 4 (पृष्ठ 674, महाभारत, खण्ड 2, गीता प्रेस गोरखपुर)

प्रत्यक्षमिह विप्रर्षे देवा दृश्यन्ति  सत्तम ।
सुर्याचंद्र्मा सौ वायु: पृथ्वी वह्निरेव च।।
पिता माता च भगवन गुरुरेव च सत्तम।
यच्चान्यद देवविहितम तच्चापि भृगुनंदन ।।

हिंदी - भगवन! श्रेष्ठ ब्रह्मर्षे! इस जगत में सूर्य, चंद्रमा, वायु, पृथिवी, अग्नि, पिता, माता और गुरु - ये सात प्रत्यक्ष देवता हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त जो देवता रूप से स्थापित हैं, वे भी प्रत्यक्ष देवताओं की कोटि में हैं।

इसी पर्व का श्लोक 17 इस प्रकार है:
मात्रिस्तु गौरावादन्ये पित्रिनान्ये तू मेनिरे।
दुष्करं कुरुते माता विवर्धयति या प्रजा:।।

हिंदी - कुछ लोग माताओं को गौरव की दृष्टि से बड़ी मानते हैं तो अन्य पिता को महत्त्व देते हैं। परन्तु माता जो अपनी संतानों को पाल पोसकर बड़ा बनाती है, वह उसका एक दुष्कर कार्य है।