Thursday, December 20, 2012


What would a normal human think of a king who distributes helpless women, who have been captured during a war, to his accomplices?

A Monster??

But if we go by NCERT, such a rascal should be called a विद्वान।
page 118 of text book for 12 class

Look at the choice of words - दयाशील संरक्षक । These words have been used for dual purpose. They establish the Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq as दयाशील and the visitor Ibn Batuta as a विद्वान as the Sultan is impressed by his विद्वत्ता |

Both of these are men were just the opposite of this, as we will see.

Since most of the readers of these text books are Hindus (83%, claims of missionaries to the contrary notwithstanding), who think that a विद्वान is generally a साधू महात्मा or a ऋषि who believes in अहिंसा and वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम, it is the perfect word to fool them into believing that विद्वान of other creeds are also so harmless. Let us look at what this 'विद्वान' and his दयाशील patron did to our ancestors, about seven centuries ago.

Below is a part of page 290 from the book 'Tughlaq Kalin Bharat', translated by Syed Athar Abbas Rizvi. The title is 

घज़्व धर्म युद्ध हेतु हमारा प्रस्थान तथा संदापुर की विजय 

The word Ghazwah means a plundering expedition and its root word is Ghazi. A Ghazi is one who depends on his livelihood by brigandage. धर्म युद्ध means Jihad of Islam.  It has nothing to do with धर्म because Islam is not a धर्म but a religion. The विद्वान of Quran are supposed to be Jihadi and plunder infidels because that is what Muhammad (the Godman of Islam used to do).

Read अल्लाह instead of इश्वर for the right perspective 

What it tells us is that this विद्वान fought the काफिर Hindus and then was awarded a woman from the prisoners of war. The lecher did not return her to her husband even after pleading and being offered money. Try to visualize the agony of the poor lady who was raped by this monster. And he has been turned into a विद्वान by his like minded friends at NCERT. 

The विद्वान of Quran are supposed to be Jihadi and plunder infidels because that is what Muhammad (the Godman of Islam used to do). The verse 41 of chapter 8 says it clearly.

Some of you might think that the woman taken as slave by Ibn Batuta might have been taken for some harmless domestic chores like washing and ironing the clothes of this विद्वान. To understand the kind of activity such poor women had to perform, there is another entry in the diary of Ibn Batuta, the NCERT विद्वान |

The title is 'Death of my daughter and her funeral rites'.
He is telling us about the death of her infant daughter.  Nothing surprising here. 
The typical mentality gets reflected in the description that he gives us of the mother of his daughter.
Since he was on the payrolls of Sultan, the mother of Sultan sent a पालकी to his house. Now, read the extract below, from the next page:

That is the kind of persons who are considered विद्वान by NCERT under Italian Mafia.

And how does this विद्वान describe the दयाशील Sultan.

The english translation mentioned in 'History of India told by its own historians 2' by Elliot and Dowson says the same thing:
Muhammad is a man who, above all others, is fond of making presents and shedding blood. There may always be seen at his gate some poor person becoming rich, or some living one condemned to death. His generous and brave actions, and his cruel and violent deeds, have obtained notoriety among the people.

So much so for दयाशील Sultan.

The era when Ibn Batuta visited India, that was the most difficult time for Hindus. They were being killed in thousands by Islamic invaders and their women and children were being sold as slaves and sex slaves. The ease with which Ibn Batuta talks about Hindu women being sold dirt cheap can be sensed from his accounts. Here is one of them (pp 238)

If you are wondering about the reason of this perversion by NCERT, you have to understand three ideologies which have sprung up from Bible: Christianity, Islam and Communism. And read some good book on applied psychology. 

And you have to know that NCERT has been in the grip of persons belonging to these persuasions.

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