Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The longest and bloodiest struggle in the history of mankind has been fought by Hindus. It has lasted for more then 1000 years and we are not done yet. When barbarians from middle east armed with the most barbaric ideology invaded our holy land, We fought tooth and nail. Had our ancestors been as weak as Persians or Turks, we would have been converted to Islam and would have been praising the act of hiding women under hideous body bags. For this audacity, our ancestors faced worst of the times. The marauders termed these brave freedom fighters as Brigands, Robbers and Pests. For them these brave men and women were काफिर। In those days they did not have to hide behind duplicity because they had the sword in their hand and were unashamed to use it. 
When Christians came, they were more cunning. They created an illusion that then  state and religion are two different aspects. They termed the activities of freedom fighters as 'illegal acts' and these brave men were called 'criminals'. 
Now both of them, fighting each other all over the globe, have joined hands to decimate the oldest civilization. Between them, they have already wiped out Persian, Greek, Roman, Mayan, Inca, Chinese, Aboriginal Australian and scores of other ancient civilizations. We are the only one left. 
To wipe us out, they are using education and media. The war has moved to what can be called 'Information battle space'. The weapons are words. They are carefully chosen for a balancing act. It has to be ensured that the Hindus do not become aware of their strength and the atrocities which were perpetrated on them for more then a millennium and at the same time the ugly face of the barbaric ideologies has to be hidden. 

Above is page 39 of history book from NCERT, meant for students of class 7. Notice the word Chieftain. 
Below is the one from Hindi medium book, page 40.

Ibn Batuta had come to our country when Islamic marauders were coming in droves. They were killing Hindu men as prescribed in Quran 9:5, 8:12, 8:39, 47:4 and taking their women as sex slaves (Quran permits non muslim women to be used as slaves and concubines 4:3) or to be sold in slave markets of the Islamic world. 

Thoroughly outnumbered, one of the strategies of Hindus was to run into deep forests to avoid being enslaved or butchered. It is these brave people who are today branded as SC/ST to point an accusing finger on the 'oppressive caste system' of Hinduism. In his book, 'Muslim slave system in Medieval India', one of the brave and honest historians K.S.Lal tells us the truth:
Ibn Battuta describes this scenario. “The Muslims dominate the infidels,” writes he, “but the later fortify themselves in mountains, in rocky, uneven and rugged places as well as in bamboo groves... (link)
The Hindi translation done by Syed Athar Abbas Rizvi of the work of Ibn batuta in his 'तुग़लक कालीन भारत', he tells us (pp 238):
हिन्दुस्तान में काफिर समस्त देश में मुसलामानों के साथ मिले जुले रहते हैं और मुसलमान उन पर विजयी रहते हैं। बहुत से काफिर दुर्गम पर्वतों, ऊबड़ खाबड़ स्थानों तथा बांस के घने जंगलों में अपनी रक्षा हेतु निवास करते हैं। यहाँ के बांस खोखले नहीं होते और बहुत लंम्बे हो जाते हैं। इनकी डालियाँ इस प्रकार एक दुसरे से उलझी रहती हैं कि इन पर अग्नि का भी प्रभाव नहीं होता और वे बड़े ही दृढ होते हैं। काफिर इन्हीं जंगलों में निवास करते हैं और यह जंगल उनके लिए मानों दीवार बन जाते हैं। इसी में इनके पशु तथा खेत होते हैं। वे वर्षा का जल एकत्र कर लेते हैं। इस प्रकार वे एक बड़ी सेना के बिना पराजित नहीं होते। सेनाएँ जंगल में घुस कर बांसों को उन यंत्रों से काट डालती हैं जो इसी कार्य के लिय बनाए जाते हैं।
By a twist of words, the jokers at NCERT have reduced the bravery of our ancestors into obscurity and ignominy. It is to such brave people that we owe the freedom to live as a Hindu. They lived in the wilds but did not let themselves be converted into an alien creed.

One of the fundamental rights should include 'Right to true history' because it serves as a collective reservoir of knowledge of dangers lurking around for a society. After all, that is how we train our children to stay away from a snake or a scorpion. The longevity of a society or culture depends on it.

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